Swell Tone
You have to understand a bit about the poetry of the blues to know where the references are coming from.
Van Morrison, Hymns to the Silence, Mills, CIP, 2010
You are welcome to use any additional instruments and equipment in the studio at no extra cost. Photograph by Aidrian
Our rates are very affordable. Music is for everyone, so we like to offer our services at a reasonable price that will suit professional performers and casual musicians alike.
Our charge includes the services of a sound engineer as well as the use of studio instruments and percussion. A day counts as eight working hours excluding breaks for lunch or refreshments. In the event of a session exceeding eight working hours there will be a pro rata charge for the extra time.
Favourable discounts are available for block booking three–day, five–day and one week studio sessions. Contact us by phone or send us an email requesting further details.
Contact us for our special entry level recording experience, a day spent in the recording studio. See Star! for further details. Suitable for individuals or groups of up to 4 persons, includes the services of a sound engineer who will lead you through the recording process in order for you to get the best results from your performance.
You only get one chance to capture the essence of your live performance. We've recorded everything from a rock band to a church choir, so give it your best.
Just bring your voice - we'll do the rest!.
Photograph by Aidrian Lacey-Porter
If you can't get to us, we'll come to you. Location recording sessions with a sound engineer are available and all equipment required supplied by us. We're happy to attend rehearsals and give advice as to how things might work during the actual recording.
Download a PDF copy of our Terms & Conditions here. No small print! It’s plain as the nose on Barry Manilow’s face.
Payment for any of our services can be made by bank transfer, cheque, cash or through our PayPal account.
Black Sabbath recorded their eponymous debut album with producer, Roger Bain in only two days. Guitarist, Tony Iommi recalls, We thought
We have two days to do it and one of those days is for mixing
so we played live.